Activity No.1: Information about different Harvest Festivals through PPTs.
The students of Classes LKG-V were shown informative PPTs on harvest festivals celebrated in the countries of study by their respective class incharges. The PPTs were prepared exclusively as per the level of the students to impart global learning of Baisakhi, Bihu(India), Dashain (Nepal), Pongal (SriLanka), Nabanna (Bangladesh Dożynki (Russia),Mid Autumn Festival (China), Harvest festival of U.K.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Students appreciated and respected the hard work of the farmers.
2. The students learnt about rich traditional and cultures of the countries of study.
Activity No.2 Picture Pasting and Brochure Making
The students of Classes LKG-III gathered pictures of harvest festival celebrations in the countries of study and compiled them into beautiful scrap books under the guidance of their respective class in charges. The students of Classes IV-V created informative Brochures on the subject with the extensive research done by themselves with the help of their teachers and parents.
Learning Outcomes: 1. The students developed keen interest in research work.
2. The activity gave wings to their creativity and expression.
3. The students appreciated the colorful festivities during harvest festivals in the countries of study.
Activity No3.Comprehension Based Worksheets
The students of Class II were taught guided composition on the Harvest Festivals under the leadership of Ms. Daljeet Kaur (English Teacher).To drill the information further, the activity was followed by reading comprehension passage worksheet on the Harvest Festival of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to be done by the students with the help of their respective mother teachers.
Learning Outcomes: 1. The students learnt the vocabulary on harvest festivals.
2. The students learnt to read simple sentences and comprehend the context.
3. The students acquired knowledge about the Harvest Festivals of the countries of study.
Activity No 4: Listening Based Worksheet.
The English subject incharge of Class III Ms. Mamta designed an informative Listening Based Worksheet for the students to impart detailed information on the harvest festivals of the countries of study. The students were given worksheet and made to listen an audio related to harvest festivals. The worksheets were duly evaluated to take feedback of their learning.
Learning Outcomes: 1. The activity helped to develop the listening skills of the students.
2. The students gathered information on the harvest festivals through listening.
3. A concrete feedback was obtained to measure the learning picked up by the students on the harvest festivals through listening.
Activity No 5:Ornament Making
Ms. Manreet kaur from Art faculty taught the art of jewellery making to the students of Class IV. The students gathered pictures of various traditional ornaments worn by the people of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Russia, China and UK and designed the replica with the help of strings, beads and other accessories. They also created beautiful jewellery out of waste material. The jewellery pieces were preserved for the Harvest fair Exhibition.
Learning Outcomes: 1.The students developed their aesthetic sense.
2. The students learnt about the traditional ornaments worn by the people in the countries of study.
3. The students learnt about the importance of adornments for the farmers.
Activity No 6: Harvest Fair
On the occasion of one of Indian Harvest Festivals ‘ Baisakhi’ the school organized an elaborate ‘Harvest Fair’ on its campus under the guidance of Ms. Sangeeta, Ms.J. Seema Sharma ,Ms.Tejinder Kaur ,Ms. Santosh and Ms. Yogyta for Classes LKG-V. The fair was a golden opportunity for the students to display their creativity and the visitors to have a glimpse into the Harvest Festivals of countries of study. Tableau were staged to reflect the culture and traditions. The fair was a panorama of knowledge acquired in the form of international multi cuisines, scrapbooks, Brochures, dances, jewellery etc. fair was inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr. Sham Sunder Malhotra (Senior Deputy Mayor). The efforts of the teachers and students were deeply appreciated by the visitors. Parents’ feedback was obtained for follow up work.
Learning Outcomes: 1.The students learnt presentation skills.
2. The students got golden opportunity to shed their fear and gain confidence during presentation.
3. The students and visitors had glimpse into various cultures on a common platform.
4. The students realized the importance of hard work and appreciation.
Activity No 7.Rangoli Competition
A Rangoli making competition was organized for the students of Class V under the supervision of Ms. Poonam (HOD Art Faculty). The students made beautiful Rangoli patterns from traditional to modern art. The spellbound use of flowers, petals, grains, cereals, colors adorned the school floors miraculously. There was a reflection of common happiness amongst the global countries during collaborations. The students not only created Indian patterns but also innovated Rangoli patterns for the countries of study. The art was adjudged and positions were declared for competition.
Challenges Faced:The teachers faced a little difficulty to arrange costumes of different countries. However, closely related dresses were arranged to give nearest experience of reality.
Ms. Maninder Kaur
(PRT English)