All students must report to school regularly. School uniform and Identity card is mandatory for all students. If a child loses their I -card, the mater should be brought to the notice of respective class Incharge, and new Icard will be issued on payment
Students must be punctual to school. Late comers will be dealt strictly and may not be allowed to enter the school. Fine of Rs. 25 will be imposed. If a child is a two-time late comer in a month, then fine of Rs 50 will be charged. Strict disciplinary action will be taken in case of a regular defaulter as per the CBSE bylaws.
Boys should come to school with their hair neatly trimmed. Long hair pony tail, spiked and styled hair, applying of hair wax/gel, colouring of hair and shaving of head other than for religious purposes are strictly forbidden. Boys are prohibited to wear any heavy metallic wristlet, ornamental rings, bracelets, earrings, costly/ smart watches in school.
For girs, hair must be tied up neatly in two plaits till class 8th and single plait from class 9 onwards. Fringes, colouring of hair different hair styles are strictly prohibited Only black hair clips are permitted. Nails should be neatly paired and any sort of nail art, makeup and trendy make over is strictly prohibited.
The school fosters the interest of the students in all prominent languages of the nation including global language English. Though English is the medium of instruction for teaching process but the students are given exposure to other regional and native languages also in the class
Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. Students are not allowed to wear gold ornaments or bring other valuable articles to school. Smart/Digital watches are strictly forbidden for a student. Every student must have with him/her the Hand book/diary, text books and note books
According to their day's time table. They should pack their bags on the daily basis so as to bring in only what they need to. Any negligence in bringing books, notebooks will subject to fine.
Mobiles, I-pod, Digital/ smart watch, camera, ear/headphones, pen drives, laser light, fidgets, magazines, comics, CDs, etc. are strictly prohibited in the school. If found, these will be confiscated and fine or Rs. 500/- or more (as per the severity of case) will be imposed.
Consumption of any intoxicating drink, vape/tranquilizer substance is strictly prohibited in the school campus. If found guilty, the student will be dismissed immediately from the school as per the CBSE bylaws.
It is mandatory to carry water bottle and healthy nutritious lunch box. The school has planted huge RO plants to provide fresh water. Students are instructed to realize their duty to save water and avoid its wastage.
Every student must behave respectfully towards the members of the staff and elders, and greet them respectfully. Students are expected to be courteous, polite and deferential both inside and outside the school.
Use of abusive language, cuss words and derogatory remarks are strictly against the school rules and decorum. Students must use sophisticated language and behave nicely in classroom.
Contempt of authority, irregular attendance, habitual indiscipline behaviour, disobedience or discourtesy to teachers, physical brawls, any kind of malpractice, violence or objectionable behaviour not in keeping with the good standards of the school are always the sufficient reasons for subsequent action ranges from written warning to dismissal as the case warrants.
Birthday students are instructed to attend the customary hawan and bring prasad/ sweets/fruits as per their wish. The students must report in proper school uniform on their birthdays. Distribution of chocolates, cookies, candies in the school is discouraged. The birthdays may be celebrated by helping the underprivileged and children with special needs by providing them useful things as charity or in cash through the service of the school as the school has linked up with the NGOS working for the betterment of these special children.
Bringing and bursting crackers in the school premises is a punishable offence as it may lead to the loss of the precious life or cripple the person permanently. If any student is found carrying crackers or indulged in bursting crackers will not be spared. Fine of Rs. 5,000/- or a strict action will be taken depending upon the threat or loss. made to the school property or any life.
Graffiti littering and damage to school property is an offence. Loss of property by any sort of action is liable to the severe dealings as per the bylaws of hon’ble Supreme Court. If found guilty, the student will be penalized.
Attendance in extra classes for class 8th onwards is compulsory. Students are instructed to pay more attention to their academic career. The school seeks parents’ cooperation for child's academic progress.
Ragging, bullying, peer fighting of any sort, disrespect or violent attitude towards teachers is strictly forbidden. The destructive behavior of the child will lead to his/her dismissal from the school Students suffering from contagious infectious diseases will be abstained from attending the school for safety and protection of other student’s Medical certificate must be mailed to school for the same.
No student is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without authorization from the Principal and the concerned supervisor. The school takes great pains to provide clean and green environment. The students should appreciate, nurture and protect the environment provided.