• Parents are not permitted to board the bus/divert the route of the bus/ delay the movement of the bus.
  • They are not allowed to threaten or snub the other children in bus or indulge in any violence/verbal abuse against school staff/driver/ conductor.
  • Parents are not permitted to insist driver/conductor to call them up before reaching the picking up point/drop point.
  • Parents should be punctual in dropping and picking up the ward from assigned bust stop. Arrive at least 5 minutes prior 10 the arrival time. Bus will not wait for the late students.
  • Assist your ward in boarding and alighting from the bus with all their belongings. Inform school regarding any change in address and contact number.
  • As instructed by the school authorities, no bus driver would leave minor girl alone in the bus. If found such case, kindly report to the school authorities immediately.
  • The bus drivers are strictly instructed not to allow any child to get down at any other place except their place of residence. The students must be guided not to request the bus driver or conductor to stop the bus for any purchase on the way.
  • Make your ward aware of the strangers and malpractices prevalent in the society. Talk to them not to trust or follow any stranger or relative who requests or compels them to accompany them. If they note something suspicious around them, they must report the same to the teachers of parents immediately.
  • In case a student is to be picked up by the parents/ guardian during school hours due to any unavoidable circumstances, the accompanying parent/guardian must seek written permission from the school authorities with the parent authority card. The message for the same should be conveyed to the concerned Bus Driver also.
  • To ensure the safety and security of the students, Parents are requested to volunteer  themselves to escort the students in the buses hired by them for the transportation of their own children on rotation basis with prior intimation to the school authorities.Interested parents will be issued pass/written permission from the school authority for the same.
  • Send an application in advance if the child is not to travel by bus. No child will be allowed to accompany parents without prior intimation.
  • Inform the school authorities of any issue of concern through concerned Academic Supervisor

Bus Travel Safety Rules for Students


  • Report at the designated stop at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time. Buses will not wait for late comers.
  • Be on your allotted seat during journey. Step in/out of the bus only when it comes to a complete alt, Do not board/alight while the bus is moving, under any circumstances.
  • Any rigidness, bullying, movement up and down, or any behavior that distracts the attention of driver is strictly prohibited. Such incidents will not be tolerated and the defaulters will be subjected to strict actions as per school transport and discipline committee.
  • Refrain from projecting any body part- arms/ hands/ neck etc. out of the window. Students must not try to open the door/ throw anything etc. while the bus is moving. No chewing gum is allowed inside the bus.
  • While alighting from the bus student must ensure that no belonging is left behind. The student must watch out or traffic on the road.
  • Board the bus on time at dispersal time to avoid any delay to the other students. If a student willfully makes the other students waiting for the sake of making mischief or roaming around will be dealt strictly
  • Refrain from vandalizing the buses. If any student is held guilty for damaging the bus, they will have to bear the cost for it. No grafts allowed.
  • Mobile phone electronic gadgets etc. and objectionable things including intoxicants are strictly prohibited in the school bus/van. Fine will be charged against indisciplined students.
  • Violent and indiscipline behavior in the bus will not be tolerated. If continues after repeated warnings, the child will be debarred to avail any school transport facility (including private transport)
  • If the vehicle breaks down, or is involved in an accident, follow instructions given by the driver, on duty staff.
  • Behave intelligently and be safe a al the time. If you find any object on the bus which does not belong to fellow students, o is suspicious in nature, immediately bring it to the attention of the bus warden conductor/ driver

Private/Own Transportation (0.T.)

  • Driving to school by personal conveyances not allowed as per the Road Safety Rules. Any negligence will subject to strict disciplinary action.
  • Parents are advised not to send their minor wards by cycle, and avail school transport for their safety. In case, the child from class 6 onwards wants to come on bicycle, a ‘written permission is required from the concerned Academic Supervisor. Cycle must be locked and parked at the cycle stand with school sticker. Defaulters will be fined Rs.100. In case the student does not lock the cycle, the school will not be responsible for the loss and damage there off.
  • Parent Authority Card is mandatory for picking up the child from the school. The child Will not be handed over to anyone without the Authority Card If due to certain emergency, a student has to leave the campus during school hours on his/her own arrangement, the following rules will be observed:
  • Only authorized persons mentioned in the authority card will be allowed to pick up the child, A written request from the parent/guardian is required.  Parents authority card must be produced at the school gate. A permission slip is to be obtained and shown at the school gate before leaving the school campus.



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D.A.V Public School
Sarabha Nagar Extension,
Pakhowal Road, P.O Lalton Kalan
Ludhiana, Punjab-142022
Affiliated to CBSE Delhi ( School no 20444)
Affiliation no. - 1630459
Fax : 0161-2807075
Phone No. :  0161-2807075, 9876467182
Email :
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