Krishna Janamashti Utsav
Event Start Date : 26/08/2024 Event End Date 26/08/2024
Krishna Janamashti Utsav

The staff and students of DAV Public School Pakhowal Road Ludhiana commemorated the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna on its campus with utmost devotion and enthusiasm. The tiny tots of the KG wing presented a resplendent tableau of incidents from Lord Krishna's virtuous life. The fresh blossoms that came dressed up as little Gopala and his friends overwhelmed the onlookers. Their magic charm mesmerized the visitors and drenched the entire ambience into divinity. The staff and the students swayed the pious cradle of Kanha and relished the ambrosia of charanamrit. The sacred and soulful bhajans resonated in the hearts of the spectators. The panorama of Dvapar yug highlighting the Lord Krishna's birth and life, presented by the innocent kids was profoundly admired.
Pr. Dr. Satwant Kaur Bhullar paid a heartfelt tribute to Almighty and extended her best wishes to all. She also congratulated the teachers and parents for inculcating moral values amongst children through such celebrations. The festivity was indeed a bliss for everyone.
Pr. Dr. Satwant Kaur Bhullar