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GST Activity Month at DAV Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana

GST Awareness Months

Day 1 Orientation on GST:
Mrs. Chinki Dua, PGT Commerce conducted an orientation session for the students   of class XI Commerce in the school auditorium. Around 150 students attended the session to gather detailed information about GST through extensive lecture and PPTs.

Learning Outcomes:

1. The students learn the meanings of GST.

2. The students learnt about GST rates in the countries of study.

Day 2 Guest Lecture on GST:
Mr. Nomya Singla, a renowned economist addressed the students on GST and took up their queries on its application and utility in the countries of study. Around 150 students from XI Commerce attended the seminar and clarified their doubts with the elite resource person in the open session.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The students had an expert opinion on GST.
  2. The students learnt the application of GST and its utility.
  3.  The students got their queries and doubts resolved.

Day 3 Report Writing:
Mrs. Mandira Dhingra PGT English organized a cub reporting activity for Class XI. Around 300 students of all streams learnt the format and value points of writing report on the activities conducted under ISA.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The students learnt to make notes effectively.
  2. The students learnt the art of reporting and creative expression.
  3. The students learnt to appreciate opinions.

Day 4 Projects on Comparative Study:
The students of Class XI made detailed project files on GST. Each project file had 20-25 sheets on elaborate study of comparison of GST in the countries of study.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The students’ learnt research work.
  2. The students learnt organist ion and presentation skills.
  3. The students were able to compare the GST rates of the countries of study.

Day 5:
The students of Class X comprehended Restaurant and Transportation bills of the Countries of study. They analyzed the GST rates applicable in different countries on food items and transportation.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The students were able to read the transportation and food bills of the countries of study.
  2. The students were able to comprehend the transportation and food bills of the countries of study.

Day 6:
The students of Class XI Commerce were evaluated for the acquired knowledge on GST, through questionnaire testing basic knowledge in MCQ form.

Learning Outcomes:

1. The concerned teaches was able to obtain the feedback of learning.

2. The students also had idea of their learning.

Day 7:
The students of Class X drafted convincing posters to spread awareness about the application of GST. The posters were displayed on school bulletin boards to share information about advantages of GST, difference between Central and State GST, years in which GST was launched in various countries different GST rates applicable in the countries of Study etc.

Learning Outcomes:

  1.  The students were able to express their gathered information through creative posters.
  2. The students were able to spread awareness through creativity.
  3. The students were able to draw comparison in GST of the countries of study

Day 8:
Diagrammatic presentation of data in the form of bar diagrams was done by the students of Class XI under the guidance of PGT Maths Mrs. ShilpyBansal. The bar diagrams were drawn to compare the GST Rates applicable in Australia, India, Canada and Singapore on Restaurants, Cars, Construction Material and readymade garments.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The students were able to express their gathered information through graphic representations.
  2.  The students were able to read the comparison in GST rates through graphs.

Day 9:
The students of Class XIopened food counters serving healthy and nutritious food. They learnt business sense of selling goods and calculating Cost and Profit.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The students were able to develop interest in commercial activities.
  2. The students developed business sense.
  3. The students were able to calculate and manage their profit and loss.
  4. The students were able to do effective billing.

Challenges Faced:  The students faced a little difficulty to arrange the food and transported bills of China. It was difficult to read Chinese language on the bills.


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D.A.V Public School
Sarabha Nagar Extension,
Pakhowal Road, P.O Lalton Kalan
Ludhiana, Punjab-142022
Affiliated to CBSE Delhi ( School no 20444)
Affiliation no. - 1630459
Fax : 0161-2807075
Phone No. :  0161-2807075, 9876467182
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