Activity Name :Healing Herbs Around the World
Activity 1 Guest Lecture
A guest lecture was organized to acquaint the students of classes VI and VIII about the medicinal herbs around the world . The renowned resource person Ms.Richa Thakur shared that plants are used as medicines in the eastern and western worlds since ages. Many herbal remedies were shared during the interaction .
Learning Outcome
Students were acquainted with the various herbal remedies.
They were encouraged to grow medicinal plants in their gardens.
Activity 2
Visit to Herbal Garden
A visit to Herbal Garden at Punjab Agriculture University , Ludhiana was organized for the students of classes VII and VIII . Mrs Pooja Singh , the biology teacher explained the benefits of the various herbal plants grown in the university garden.
Learning Outcome
Students were acquainted with the climatic conditions required to grow the various herbs.
Learned ,the ways to grow them
Activity 3
Bulletin Board Decoration
The students of classes I ans II decked up their classroom bulletin boards with the artistic representation of the various herbal plants .The students were also given the opportunity to explain the herbs drawn by their peers .
Learning Outcome
To identify the various herbs
To use herb as medicine
Activity 4
Making ppts
Students of classes IV and V prepared ppts . They explained the benefits and weather conditions
required to grow the various herbs. Ppts were shown to their peer groups to increase their knowledge about the herbs.
Learning Outcome
Students are able to identify the various herbs.
Activity 5
Maintain and grow your own herbarium
Students of classes III, IV and V collected the various herbs grown in their surroundings. They pasted
the different herbs in their scrap books and explained the uses of the medicinal herbs. Scrap books
were exchanged to add more to their knowledge.
Learning Outcome
To recognise and classify the various herbs.
To increase their artistic skills.
Activity 6
Making Journals
Students of classes VII and VIII collected the pictures of the herbs grown all around the world. They
printed their self journal . Information about the medicinal herbs was given in detail.
Learning Outcome
Students were able to classify the herbs according to their benefits
They were acknowledged about the usage of herbs in preparing different medicines.
Activity 7
Herbal Recipies
Students of classes IX and X prepared healthy cuisines using the herbs as the main ingredient.
Cooking Procedure and benefits of the recipes were shared with the audience.
Learning outcome
To add herbs as their food item
Activity 8
Herbal First Aid Kit
Students of classes IV and V prepared herbal first aid kit after researching about the medicinal herbs
found in their area. Benefits of the different herbs kept in the box were explained by them.
Learning outcome
How herbs can be used as first aid in emergency?
Benefits of using herbs in place of the different medicines available in the market.
Activity 9
Students of class 1 planted the various herbs in their school garden with the help of the school gardener.They pledged to nurture
the sapling .They were motivated to grow the herbs in their kitchen gardens or pots.
Learning outcome
The role of herbs in the purification of the air.